Money Log

A simple webapp for tabbing personal earnings and expenditures

#Earnings #Spends



I somehow don't keep a clear tab of my spending. No app has helped me till now sufficiently. Obviously there are apps which skim through your SMSes and auto-log your spends. I also tend to procrastinate when it comes to sitting down and identifying what I have earnt, spent and being diligent on my spendings.

The Design

The main information that needs to reach the user is whether he or she is doing good in terms of their spending vs earning. We inform them the same (which they undoubtedly already know) using colour for the total figures. And we give them a list each to look at; one for the earnings and the other for their expenditure. Also what is attempted is categorizing the expenditure by recurring and unique spends. Making something simple is hardest and I intend this to be more a programming excercise Vs user interface design aspect of it.